Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Scavenger Hunt Of Blogville

So, today's post is supposed to involve me telling you about my ten favorite bloggers. Ten people who I follow eagerly, anticipating every word coming across my screen. Ten places where I wake up each day and run over to the computer, hoping to find those nuggets of info that'll enrich and reward my life evermore for doing so.

One problem... I don't read that many blogs.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy spending (or wasting) vast amounts of time on the web like anyone else. My previous post is prime time evidence that I surf the net quite frequently and passionately. It's just that for me, when I'm online I'm searching out information, news and sports items at a FAR greater rate than I am wanting to read about how Aunt Ethel's pug terrier looks in a bonnet or if my nephew's calculus class is causing him ulcers.

I do know for a fact that I'm much more attracted to a particular blog by the content and information than I am the aesthetics and whether it's visually appealing. However, any time I come across a blog that's taking WAY too long to load due to overloading the home page with 87 posts of pictures, videos, and cheesy songs playing in the background, I jump somewhere else, no matter how informative that blog may have been.

So let's see if I'm able to find ten blogs that I've actually read...

I mentioned Whitney Matheson in my previous post, and I guess I'll do it again, as it's really the only blog I've read up to now on a consistent basis. Her Pop Candy blog covers a ton of current pop culture, so this is where I can try to stay young at heart and keep up with all the pop culture that's passing me by too quickly.

As a fervent follower of SIU basketball, I occasionally read a blog written by Tom Weber, the University's current director of media services for Saluki athletics. His Saluki Sports Blog gives nice summaries thought each week's action. It does tend to be a little bit too optimistic at times, as since Tom is employed by SIU he'll try and put a positive spin on things, but he does get some outstanding pictures during the games and shares them here.

Ken Pomeroy is a statistician's statistician when it comes to analyzing and crunching numbers in college basketball. His site's heavily tilted toward the stat geeks, but behind all the numbers, he's been extremely effective in spotting game trends, tendencies, and eventual outcomes of which team has the edge and why. Visually, it's not much to look at, but if you're a regular at Ken's site, you're not there for the visuals.

Bill Margeson is the man who writes and runs the weekly pub quizzes I attend, and he's a very knowledgeable guy, but he's also one of THE premier minds when it comes to current Irish music. We're not talking just about the obvious ones like U2, the Chieftains or Sinead O'Connor, but the heart and soul of today's Irish culture of music. Bill visits Ireland at least once every year and comes back with sounds that you'll never find on this side of the pond.

Speaking of those pub quizzes again, I came across a nice site called Chicago Hearts Trivia. The posters here are just as enthusiastic about pub quizzes as I am, and they attend various trivia contests throughout Chicagoland and report back on how the events go, how the prizes are, and whether it's worth a trip to go play there. It's a bit heavy on the Chicago part and less so on the surrounding suburbs, but I've invited them to check out the western burbs, and they plan on making a trip out west sometime soon... I'll let you know how that goes.

OK... so there's five right there. Of the 50+ bookmarks I've saved on my Mac, these are the only ones that can fit the description of a true blog. Now the harder part... finding brand new blogs out there that'll not only interest me but make me want to add them to my bookmarks. I'll add them to this post when I come across them.

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